Jackpot Leaderboard
Current Jackpot £6,200
4 Wolves
0 people
3 Wolves
1 person
2 Wolves
3 people
1 Wolf
53 people
The Leaderboard
First to find 5 = Gets 70% of the pot
4 Wolves = Share of 20% of the pot3 Wolves = Share of 10% of the pot
4 Wolf Heads
- No winners
3 Wolf Heads
- Ashleigh Bailey
2 Wolf Heads
- Gail Davison
- Nicola Goodin
- Dean Peterson
1 Wolf Head
- Jasmine Hagan
- Stacey Wilson
- Tamara Gray
- Kelsie Carter
- Brian Lawson
- Charlotte Wilson
- Chris Todd
- Lee Thompson
- Dave West
- Thomas Finlay
- Toni Lazenby
- dionne Burnett
- Rebecca King
- Amanda Aldus
- Leon Quinn
- Paula Daley
- Clair Goggins
- Niki Auty Auty
- Abbie Galloway
- Joanne Aggas
- Hannah Spence
- Jade Sanders
- Toni Gallagher
- Julie Bell
- Morgan Anderson
- Shannon Pascoe
- Harleejames Martindale
- Lynn Taylor
- Kristen Byrne
- Jill Burns
- Lauren Cooper
- Nicola Carlisle
- Dan Maher
- Faye Parker
- Conner Womersley
- Ashton Bailey
- Emma Thompson
- Josh Horner
- Chris Usher
- Alex Burgess
- Tracy Mcfadyen
- Cheryl Phillips
- Scott Butler
- Andrea BEST
- Bradley Jones
- Sophie Brown
- Lyndsey Stavers
- Eve Brown
- Debbie Foster
- Dylan Johnson
- Kalan Fisher
- Janet Smith
- Ryan Clark